----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nguyễn Vũ Hưng" <vuhung16p...@gmail.com>
> To: "Kristen Eisenberg" <kristen.eisenb...@yahoo.com>, "Hanoi Linux Users 
> Group" <hanoilug@lists.hanoilug.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 10:23:08 AM
> Subject: [HanoiLUG] Welcome to you HanoiLUG!
> 2011/10/19 Kristen Eisenberg <kristen.eisenb...@yahoo.com>
> >
> > Marketing GmbH
> > Emanuelstr. 3,
> > 10317 Berlin
> > Deutschland
> > Telefon: +49 (33)
> > 5310967
> > Email:
> > utebachmeier at
> > gmail.com
> > Site:
> > http://flug.airego.de - Billige Flüge vergleichen
> Hello Kristen Eisenberg,
> Welcome to you HanoiLUG!

Welcome! :)

> Both Vietnamese and English are OK in this list.

Also Germany :)

Kind regards, 
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