Le 2013-09-07 21:46, Diep Pham Van a écrit :
On Sun, 8 Sep 2013 07:25:20 +0700
Quynh Vu Do <vdqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
This morning I got a "503 Surge protection" page when tempting to
reach the Du An Most wiki page at
http://du-an-most.hanoilug.org/MostWiki (see attached screenshot)

I'm wondering if others have the same problem as me ?
I got a "502 Bad Gateway".

It's because I've stopped the web service for now…

Please wait for me to tell it's clear before trying again.


Jean Christophe ANDRÉ  —  Coordonnateur des infrastructures techniques
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)  —   http://www.auf.org/
✉ : AUF, Case postale du Musée, C.P. 49714, Montréal, (Québec) H3T 2A5
℡ : +1 514 343 6630 #1568  ✦  ℻ : +1 514 343 2107
⎧Note personnelle: merci d'éviter de m'envoyer des fichiers Microsoft⎫
⎩Office, cf http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments        ⎭

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