
I could show up as Monday 18th is an official holiday in Vietnam, so I'm
free to go.

best regards

2016-04-10 21:27 GMT+07:00 Phuong Vo <phuong...@posteo.net>:

> Dear all members of HanoiLUG,
> Next week a friend from Indonesia, Giri Alam Wigunnara, an Ubuntu advocate
> and Wikipedia contributor will visit Hanoi and he wishes to meet people who
> share the same ideals and interests as his. Since it's been a long time
> since our community last meet up, this will be a good chance for us to
> reignite our community and activity. Therefore I would like to invite all
> HanoiLUG-ers to a beer party, the details are as follow:
> - Time: Around 18:30 April 18th
> - Address: Lan Chín beer - Tăng Bạt Hổ street (I can't remember the exact
> address, will fill in later)
> Please voice your comments if you wish to suggest another restaurant or
> change the schedule, not everything is fixed yet. Looking forward to meet
> everyone there.
> Kind Regards,
> Phuong
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Vu Do Quynh (M.)
Hanoi, Vietnam
Blog personnel: Choses vues et vécues... <http://vdquynh.blogspot.com/>
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HanoiLUG blog: http://blog.hanoilug.org/

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