Your perl/net-snmp environment is damaged. You have mismatched files from and 5.4.1.

Compilation failed in require at /etc/snmp/ line 18.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /etc/snmp/ line 18.

During my previous fiddling around trying to find the root of the problem, I did copy net-snmp- to /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0/NetSNMP/

So now you have one file from and others from 5.4.1. My suggestion is to stick with 5.4.1 or to make a proper upgrade to

I've reinstalled the 5.4.1 with perl enabled. Now if I'm getting the following result on

$ perl /etc/snmp/
netsnmp_assert !"registration != duplicate" failed agent_registry.c:535 netsnmp_subtree_load() netsnmp_assert !"registration != duplicate" failed agent_registry.c:535 netsnmp_subtree_load() netsnmp_assert !"registration != duplicate" failed agent_registry.c:535 netsnmp_subtree_load()
Warning: no access control information configured.
 It's unlikely this agent can serve any useful purpose in this state.
Run "snmpconf -g basic_setup" to help you configure the Haproxy.conf file for this agent.

I ran snmpconf (answering to the best of my ability) but am still getting the same results. I actually ended up copying the resulting snmp.conf file to /etc/snmpd/snmpd.local.conf with the following contents:

proc  httpd 1
rwuser  ruy auth
rocommunity public rwcommunity public trapcommunity public
authtrapenable  1
disablePerl false
perl do '/etc/snmp/';

Syslog shows no errors, and it does show the incoming connection when I do the snmpbulkwalk. But the result is still:

$ snmpbulkwalk -c public -v2c
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.29385. = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)

Did i get the snmpd.conf wrong? Or is there still something else I need to configure?


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