On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 11:49:39AM -0800, Michael Fortson wrote:
> Oops, looks like it's actually Gb -> Gb:
> http://pastie.org/409653

ah nice !

> Here's a netstat -s:
> http://pastie.org/409652

Oh there are interesting things there :

  - 513607 failed connection attempts
    => let's assume it was for dead servers

  - 34784881 segments retransmited
    => this is huge, maybe your outgoing bandwidth is limited
       by the provider, causing lots of drops ?

  - 8325393 SYN cookies sent
    => either you've been experiencing a SYN flood attack, or
       one of your listening socket's backlog is extremely small

  -  1235433 times the listen queue of a socket overflowed
     1235433 SYNs to LISTEN sockets ignored
     => up to 1.2 million times some client socket experienced
        a drop, causing at least a 3 seconds delay to establish.
     The errors your scripts detect certainly account for a small
     part of those.

  - 2962458 times recovered from packet loss due to SACK data
    => many losses, related to second point above.

Could you post the output of "sysctl -a |grep ^net" ? I think that
your TCP syn backlog is very low. Your stats page indicate an average
of about 300 sessions/s over the last 24 hours. If your external
bandwidth is capped and causes drops, you can nearly saturate the
default backlog of 1024 with 300 sessions/s each taking 3s to
complete. If you're interested, the latest snapshot will report
the number of sess/s in the stats.

> Haproxy and nginx are currently on the same box. Mongrels are all on a
> private network accessed through eth1 (public access is via eth0).


> stats page attached (backend "everything" is not currently in use;
> it'll be a use-when-full option for fast_mongrels once we upgrade to
> the next haproxy).

According to the stats, your avg output bandwidth is around 10 Mbps.
Would this match your external link ?


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