
Maybe the logs can *only* be sent over UDP, so the syslogd flags
should be "/usr/sbin/syslogd
-s *-r*"

2009/3/11 Weschmann Michael <michael.weschm...@sourcag.ch>

>  Hi,
> I found the entries concerning "no logging with syslogd under FreeBSD" in
> the archive 
> (*http://www.formilux.org/archives/haproxy/subject.html*<http://www.formilux.org/archives/haproxy/subject.html>
> ).******
> But my system doesn't log anything from haproxy:
> I use haproxy-1.2.18.tar.gz on Freebsd 7.1
> My /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:
> global
>         log local0 info
>         maxconn 4096
>         user haproxy
>         group haproxy
>         daemon
> defaults
>         log     global
>         mode   tcp
>         option logasap
>         option  dontlognull
>         retries 3
>         option redispatch
>         maxconn 2000
>         contimeout      5000
>         clitimeout      50000
>         srvtimeout      50000
> listen tbsrelay 213.xxx.xxx.xxx:20904
>          log     global
>            balance source
>          mode tcp
>          option tcplog
>          server tbs_1   10.2.xxx.xxx:4746       check port 4746
> My /etc/rc.conf contains:
> syslogd_enable="YES"
> syslogd_flags="-a"
> I've set this because the syslogd use by default option -s
> (ps auxw | grep syslogd
> root     621  0.0  0.1  3184  1048  ??  Is    3Feb09   0:11.53
> /usr/sbin/syslogd -s)
> I've tested securelevel 0 and 1.
> Thanks for your help,
> Michael
> *From: Rory <**rory.amos#gmail.com* <rory.amos>*>
> Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 15:51:16 +0800*
> hi , i am tring to get logging with syslogd on a FreeBSD test machine to
> work. This is my minimal sample config with haproxy-1.2.18:
> cat /usr/local/etc/haproxy.conf
> global
>         log local0 debug
>         maxconn         32768
>         user            nobody
>         group           nobody
>         daemon
>         nbproc          8
> listen web-balancer
>         log global
>         bind  
>         mode            http
>         stats uri /haproxy-stats
>         stats realm Haproxy\ statistics
>         stats auth another:another
>         balance         roundrobin
>         maxconn         32768
>         clitimeout      60000
>         srvtimeout      60000
>         contimeout      5000
>         retries         3
>         server          web1 weight 3 check
>         option          forwardfor
> syslogd is listening on the local machine: *# sockstat -4 | grep syslogd*
> root     syslogd    1586  7  udp4   *:514                 *:*
> syslog facility is going to /var/log/haproxy
> # grep local0 /etc/syslog.conf
> local0.*                                        /var/log/haproxy.log
> But haproxy won't log anything. Any ideas?
> Rory.* Received on* 2008/10/22 09:51
> *Weschmann Michael*
> Informatik / Operations
> Sourcag AG
> Emil Frey-Strasse 100
> CH-4142 Münchenstein
> Tel:   +41 (0) 61 418  7552
> Fax:  +41 (0) 61 418  7276
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