You need to explain a little more, as I am not understating something.
Perhaps what you mean by VIP?

If they share the same single VIP at the same time, then why would you use
round-robin DNS?  Round-robin is for multiple IP addresses...?

Also, if you do a virtual IP like Microsoft Windows does for their multicast
load balancing, that is just plain nasty to your network infrastructure if
you have more than those servers on the same subnet and IMHO really doesn't
scale well...

If you meant a different VIP instead of one bound to each server, I could
understand that.  However, 50% of the clients will feel the hit when first
connecting if a server is down.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: news [] On Behalf Of Jan-Frode Myklebust
> Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Multiple Proxies
> I would use one VIP bound to each server, and use round-robin DNS to
> distribute the load over them. And with cookies for pinning it
> shouldn't
> matter to the clients which VIP it reaches.
>    -jf

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