On Thu, Oct 08, 2009 at 06:22:58AM -0700, Chris Goffinet wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has considered or if its possible (am I  
> missing something?) to do connection pooling in haproxy for TCP  
> backends? We've been using haproxy internally at Digg and it's working  
> out really well. Before joining Digg, at Yahoo we had something very  
> similar to haproxy, that supported connection pooling. The general  
> idea is that once you start running multiple datacenters with multiple  
> backends, the latency of TCP ACK between those datacenters really  
> matters when failures start occurring and you need high availability  
> and failover of backend services.
> The majority of our services are TCP based, not HTTP so keep alive is  
> out. I was wondering if this has ever been considered or possible  
> today? I can't find much info in the open source world regarding doing  
> such things, and thought I'd ask here.

I'm not sure I perfectly understand what you're looking for. If you
want to conserve pools of available established TCP connections, you
need haproxy to understand the protocol inside, so while that may be
possible for some protocols, it will certainly never be possible as
a generic mechanism. That's typically what HTTP achieves with keepalive
for example, but what TCP-based protocol do you have in mind ?


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