Under the errors section what exactly does the Resp.section mean?
Does it mean any response that is not a 200 OK?

I have a customer with a lot of check errors, a lot of Resp. errors
and too many Down errors.

Origional config was:

    server mm5 weight 1 cookie mm5
    server mm6 weight 1 cookie mm6

I've changed it to the following for more testing and enabled logging
at info level.

    server mm5 weight 1 cookie mm5 check inter 20000
fall 3 rise 1
    server mm6 weight 1 cookie mm6 check inter 20000
fall 2 rise 1

They are getting 503 errors and I assume that means that HAProxy is
passing traffic to the real server , getting an error then telling the
client 503?
or do I misunderstand that?

Current load is between 200-400 concurrent sessions.

Also I just realised that the

option redispatch

was not set, would this option reduce the number of 503 errors?


Malcolm Turnbull.

Loadbalancer.org Ltd.
Phone: +44 (0)870 443 8779

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