On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 12:25:00PM -0700, Hank A. Paulson wrote:
> at what point does haproxy begin queuing requests for a backend?
> Is it at sum(maxconn * wght)
> or sum(maxconn) ignoring wght

^^^ This one precisely

> or is it at fullconn even if fullconn is less than the above 2 values
> or some other point?

No, fullconn determines when maxconn is applied in case of dynamic
limitation (when using minconn too), don't use this unless you know
you want it. It's too hard to explain how it works, and it seems even
harder to understand :-)

> Under what circumstances does haproxy queue directly to a certain server 
> for a given backend vs a global queue for that whole backend, if ever?

It does so when the request contains a cookie indicating it must be
processed by that server and not by any other one. The backend's queue
is dequeued when a server releases a connection and finds a connection
in the backend queue that has been here for more time than the next
connection in its own queue. This ensures a very fair queuing.

You can take a look at that diagram for more information :



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