On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Dirk Taggesell <
dirk.tagges...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 2:19 PM, Jeffrey 'jf' Lim <jfs.wo...@gmail.com>wrote:
> what version of haproxy is this?
> Ah sorry. It is 1.3.17
>>  do 200 requests from the same backend passed through haproxy work?
> Yes, haproxy generally works when i test it with an ordinary Apache as
> back-end instead of the custom app.
>> I can't say that i've looked too closely at the code for this, but, I get
>> the impression that haproxy generally returns 502 for stuff that it cannot
>> recognize.
> I am afraid it is so. There's some paragraphs in the documentation which
> suggest that.
>> And one other thing to look at - what is the log line like for this
>> particular request?
> Oct 28 13:50:57 haproxy[3282]: 
>[28/Oct/2009:13:50:57.690] cookietracker 
> cookietracker/cookietracker
> 1/0/0/-1/3 502 204 - - SL-- 2000/0/0/0/0 0/0 "GET /c HTTP/1.1"
it looks like Karsten's suspicion is correct. Try adding the
'Content-length: 0' header. haproxy is still expecting more data from the
backend. (It apparently does not know about status 204???).

And to answer Karsten's question: the content-length header isn't strictly
mandated (it's a 'SHOULD').


> followed after some seconds by about several dozen of these lines:
> Oct 28 13:52:01 haproxy[3282]: 
>[28/Oct/2009:13:51:11.732] trackertest 
> trackertest/<NOSRV> -1/1/0/-1/50000 0
> 0 - - sL-- 1902/1902/1902/0/0 0/0 "<BADREQ>"
> is the server's ip NATed address (Amazon EC2)

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