Hello Aleksandar,
Yes i knom :o)
It's just question, maybe some people do more than just simple check.

2009/11/11 Aleksandar Lazic <al-hapr...@none.at>

> Hi,
> On Mit 11.11.2009 13:47, Falco Schmutz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> For you, what is the best way to check all nginx are up with haproxy ?
>> Thanks in advance for your reply.
> Due to the fact that the nginx is a webserver you can check the
> connection similar as with apache/lighty/tomcat/$ANY_OTHER_WEBSERVER
> http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.3/doc/architecture.txt
> e.g.: option httpchk HEAD /index.html HTTP/1.0
> Hth
> Aleks



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