I'm currently trying to load balance balance Mailout from postfix MTA.
It work nice, but I have some "question" (maybe feature).
I want to add a "custom header" (this one is just after a test) but rspadd seem to work only on http.
        rspadd          X-HAProxyRocks:\ Yes\0

Our mail sender is a php script. I tryed to use (maybe it's a script problem) HAProxy directly from the PHPScripts (using fgets for sending emails) but it doesn't work (script not seem to like "haproxy as a SMTP").

Now my "solution" is to set :
php script => Postfix localhost:25 => Haproxy localhost:10025 => a lot of postfix.

Maybe I've done some bad stuff somewhere.
I just upgraded (not tested yet) to 1.3.22 because I see a changelog with "fgets" ("haproxy fgets" on google).

I think my php script wait for a "normal" smtp response, but HAproxy is waiting to have the response from postfix "backend" server.

My configuration file is "quite normal":
frontend LB
        mode tcp
        default_backend PostFix
backend PostFix
        mode tcp
        contimeout      3000
        srvtimeout      3000
        option          redispatch
        retries         5
        balance         roundrobin
        option          smtpchk EHLO hi
        rspadd          X-HAProxyRocks:\ Yes\0
server ara01 87.98.142.XX:25 weight 30 check inter 200000 server ara02 94.23.155.XX:25 weight 30 check inter 200000 server ara03 91.121.218.XX:25 weight 30 check inter 200000
For now it work "nice" with a Postfix frontend with haproxy as relay host. Maybe I can "simple" it.

Sorry for my "crappy" english, teachers fault ;)

Kind regards, a HAProxy lover.

Other Question: I want a HAProxy logo, there is some "official" logos ?

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