We're starting down the path of using HAProxy (among other things such
as Crossroads, or LVS-NAT/LVS-DR) and putting them in front of our
LDAP/S servers.  We're starting w/HAProxy cause it was so easy to set
up :)  It obviously works out-of-the-box, so to speak.  But I was
wondering if anyone had any recommendations for tuning parameters (be
it HAProxy or /etc/sysctl.conf, or anything else, at least software
wise.)  The LBs are a pair of old Sun X2100's running Centos 5.4,
pretty generic stock.

As best as I understand our current setup, there are tons of tiny
connections from our SMTP server pool to our LDAP server pool.  Our
existing load-balancer isn't cutting it anymore (at least we think
that's the case.)  As a trial, we want to simply replace our existing
LB with a HAProxy based LB for starters, just to see if the problem
we're having remains.  If it all goes away, then we know the problems
we're having are indeed because of our existing LB.  If the problems
remain, then maybe it's not the LB after all, and we need to dig more.

I realize it's a bit tough to make recommendations, and there are many
different ways to do this.  But as far as haproxy.cfg or sysctl.conf
or other more "common" locations, if anyone has a suggestions on
configurations geared to process tons of tiny short connections,
that'd be great.  Low latency, small packets, short lived connections,
many connections at one time.

Thank you,

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