Willy Tarreau a écrit :
> What could be possible would be to have two distinct frontends for siteA and
> siteB, sharing the same backend containing servers configured with maxconn 
> 160.
> Thus, any of siteA and siteB could make use of the 3*160, but the global limit
> will still be 3*160.
> Then if you really want to prevent siteA or siteB from stealing all the
> connections, you can still set a maxconn on the frontends, but then the
> connections will be queued in the system.

Willy, thank you very much for taking time to answer with such
clarity and precision!

Even if not perfect, your solution looks better than my current LVS
setup, where I came to dispatching most web sites' traffic on
"total_nb_servers -1" and sometime to dedicate some servers for the
most busy sites, which is far from your solution's fine granularity.

On a totally different topic, those per server connexion limitation
settings led me to think about my workload, which is probably a very
typical apache + php one. We, LAMP sysadmins, are used to approach
admission control by fixing hard, constants limits on the number of
simultaneous connexions (very much "apache prefork mpm's MaxClient").

But with varyings workloads (varying on time of day, on popular web
page of the moment, when images changes and clients cache are empty,
when a rss feed is refreshed, ...) we get dynamically varying server
capacities in term of number of simultaneous connexions they can handle.
Sometime apache childs will spend much of their running time sleeping
(waiting for user input, or for dns resolution, slowed by database
connexion latency, serving static files to slow clients...). Then we
can push lots of connexion to each server. But at other moments/in
other situations the scripts may be cpu bound and actively running
most of the time, and we shouldn't accept much more connexion than
the number of server's cpu cores.

Looks like haproxy healtchecking system may be of great value there
(assuming stateless web servers, with no need for persistence) :
- on each server, a high connexion admission limit
- on each server, regularly generate a status page depending on
  actualy server's (and server's dependencies, like backend
  database load) available resources, marking the server "down"
  when we approach exhaustion.
- minconn + optimistically high maxconn on haproxy config, per server
- haproxy configured to healtcheck on server's generated status page

This indeed changes the way haproxy would see resources exhaustion.
Not sure how seeing all backend's servers as down instead of maxconn
reached would affect connexion queueing smoothness, and if seeing
a server down would shut down current connexions? Alternatively we
can dynamically generate and reload haproxy config...

So I'm on the way to script a dynamic status page enforcing per
website limits when resources are tight, maybe I could achieve both
QoS (per website connexions) and server's resources maximization ;)

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