
I'm testing Haproxy 1.4-rc1, but I have a config error so ... strange.

I used this short config file. It works with Haproxy 1.3.23


But with Haproxy 1.4-rc1, it returns the error :

[ALERT] 049/132313 (13531) : proxy 'fr2': stats 'auth'/'realm' and
'http-request' can't be used at the same time.
[ALERT] 049/132313 (13531) : Fatal errors found in configuration.

I don't use http-request in the config file ... Either it's not the good
error message, or it's not realy an error ...

But the more strange is if I comment frontend fr1 or frontend fr2, no
error, it works oO

1 frontend => ok, 2 or more => not ok

Do you have any idea about that ?


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