Hello Anze.

On 13 March 2010 10:28, Anze <anzen...@volja.net> wrote:
> Here is my config:
> listen  webfarm
>        mode http
>        stats enable
>        balance roundrobin
>        stats auth user:pass
>        cookie SERVERID insert indirect
>        option httpclose
>        option forwardfor except
>        # option httpchk HEAD /check.php HTTP/1.0
>        # option httpchk /check.php
>        # http-check expect string all_is_ok
>        server a0 cookie a0 check
>        server a1 cookie a1 check
> -----
> I have played with the 3 uncommented lines in "listen" section - these are the
> results:
> With 1.4.1 WITH patch applied:
> - all 3 lines disabled: system works (serves content, no problem, but no
> check)
> - only 1. line enabled: ERROR, haproxy tells all hosts are down (when they are
> not)
> - only 2. line enabled: ERROR, haproxy tells all hosts are down (when they are
> not)
> - 2. and 3. line or 1. and 3. line enabled: ERROR as above.

On the ToDo list is better logging of what httpchk is doing - along
with working out all the options to the original patch.

As a quick test, try adding the following options in place of the
commented-out lines above:

   option httpchk GET /check.php HTTP/1.0
   http-check expect rstring all_is_ok

The 'string' test should work, but it's had less testing than
'rstring'. I've not tried the HEAD method; I can't see it working with


Nick Chalk.

Loadbalancer.org Ltd.
Phone: +44 (0)870 443 8779

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