Hmm, I found out that it is not supported for mode tcp:

Starting HAproxy: [WARNING] 111/213701 (5089) : config : 'option forwardfor' ignored for proxy 'load_balanced_smtp' as it requires HTTP mode.
                                                           [  OK  ]

Is this possible for the mode tcp and smtp and Haproxy?


On 4/22/10 9:34 PM, Michiel van Es wrote:
I am running ASSP on the mailservers, since 1.6.2 ASSP understands
headres like x-forward-for :

- Text to Identify Originating IP Header* (OriginatingIP)
If ASSP runs behind another server(s), no IP/HELO based filter will
work. If a special header with the originating IP is inserted from the
frontend serber ASSP will use the originating IP to perform IP and HELO
For example: X-Forwarded-For|X-Originating-IP

Is it possible to let HAproxy push such an header for smtp without
recompiling the kernel on my load balancer with Tproxy support?

I hope it works as it works for http out of the box :)

Kind regards,


On 4/22/10 8:28 PM, Michiel van Es wrote:
That is the default smtp failover setup but I want to balance the load
via a load balancer setup
Mx records can not balance load


Michiel van Es

Op 22 apr 2010 om 19:06 heeft Guillaume Bourque
<> het volgende geschreven:\


Why dont you use 2 MX record with the same weight

All email will come in to youre 2 servers.

Just my 2¢


Michiel van Es a écrit :

I am running 2 mailservers with ASSP as a spam proxy.
I use haproxy to load balance between the 2 mailservers.
The problem is that the spam filter is seeing every connection coming
from the load balancer and not the originating ip.
Do you know how I make the connections from my HAproxy load balancer
to my 2 mailservers transparent?

Kind regards,


Guillaume Bourque, B.Sc.,
consultant, infrastructures technologiques libres !
514 576-7638

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