Hi Dave,

On 2010-05-04 18:55, Dave Pascoe wrote:
> Is there a way in haproxy 1.4 to perform the equivalent function that
> these Apache directives perform?
>  SetEnv downgrade-1.0 1
>  SetEnv force-response-1.0 1
> i.e., force haproxy to downgrade to HTTP/1.0 even though the client is
> HTTP/1.1

I'm not really sure what you are trying to achieve with this (as you
should really reconsider using software which does not understand HTTP
1.1 nowadays), but you could force the HTTP version using the following

# replace the HTTP version in the request
reqrep ^(.*)\ HTTP/[^\ ]+$ \1\ HTTP/1.0

# and also force HTTP 1.0 in the response
rsprep ^(.*)\ HTTP/[^\ ]+$ \1\ HTTP/1.0

Note that this does not change any headers, so the request and response
are technically still HTTP/1.1, only disguised as HTTP/1.0.


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