Okay, think I found it:

- acl source_is_abuser src_get_gpc0(http) gt 0
+ acl source_is_abuser sc1_get_gpc0(http) gt 0

On 8 September 2010 17:56, Matt <mattmora...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm trying out the rate limit feature in 1.5-dev2.  My config is
> below.  It appears to work in the sense that after the limit the
> connection is dropped, but I actually want the connection to go to the
> error backend, rather than the webserver backend and get dropped.  I'm
> guessing my logic in the frontend config is wrong rather than it being
> a bug.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> defaults
>        mode   http
>        option  httplog
>        option  log-separate-errors
>        option  httpchk HEAD /available HTTP/1.0
>        monitor-uri /haproxy_test
>        option  allbackups
>        http-check disable-on-404
>        retries         3
>        option  redispatch
>        maxconn         2000
>        timeout connect 5s
>        timeout client  60s
>        timeout server  60s
>        timeout http-request 10s
>        timeout http-keep-alive 2s
>        timeout check 10s
> frontend ha-01-apache *:80
>        log   local0 info
>        option http-pretend-keepalive
>        stick-table type ip size 200k expire 10m store gpc0
>        acl source_is_abuser src_get_gpc0(http) gt 0
>        use_backend error if source_is_abuser
>        tcp-request connection track-sc1 src if ! source_is_abuser
>        acl apache_01 hdr_sub(host) -i example.com
>        use_backend webserver if apache_01
> backend webserver
>        log   local0 info
>        option http-server-close
>        stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30s store conn_rate(100s)
>        tcp-request content track-sc2 src
>        acl conn_rate_abuse sc2_conn_rate gt 5
>        acl mark_as_abuser sc1_inc_gpc0 gt 0
>        tcp-request content reject if conn_rate_abuse mark_as_abuser
>        server apache check inter 15s rise 2 fall 2
> backend error
>        errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errorfiles/503.http

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