Thank you for the heads up,

Managed to put it in a single listen block, and worked! Temporarily! ;(
Was fine on testing environment, but after putting it into production, haproxy gone wild after 40mins, and then after 20mins in the next round. 'Wild' being it returner Error instead of serving up files from an other block (symptom being static files missing from site), not even the one being rate restricted, and a few mins later it completely 'died' not serving anything just seemingly loading endlessly.

If you could let me know what debug to save or look at, I'd be happy to do so.
Meanwhile I've rolled back to 1.3 (exact same config except for rate limiting), being a reliable provider for months.

Compiled from latest source, by make -f Makefile.bsd REGEX=pcre DEBUG= COPTS.generic="-Os -fomit-frame-pointer" (no mgnu)

Whole config attached:
        log       daemon  debug
        maxconn 1024
        chroot /var/chroot/haproxy
        uid 99
        gid 99
        pidfile /var/run/

        log     global
        mode    http
        option  httplog
        option  dontlognull
        option redispatch
        retries 3
        maxconn 3000
        contimeout      4000
        clitimeout      1000
        srvtimeout      200000
        stats enable
        stats scope Static-farm
        stats scope mySite-webfarm
        stats scope ease-up
        stats uri     /admin?stats
        stats realm   Haproxy\ Statistics
        stats auth    user:pass

listen mySite-webfarm
    option forwardfor
    option httpchk /!healthcheck.php
    option httpclose

    balance roundrobin
    server host1 check inter 5000 rise 2 fall 3
    server host2 check inter 5000 rise 2 fall 3

    contimeout  6000
    clitimeout  2000

    errorfile 503 /usr/local/etc/503error.html

    ### (d)dos protection ###
    # check master 'banned' table first
    stick-table type ip size 1m expire 5m store gpc0,conn_rate(10s)

    acl source_is_abuser src_get_gpc0 gt 0
    use_backend ease-up if source_is_abuser
    tcp-request connection track-sc1 src

    # values below are specific to the backend
    tcp-request content  track-sc2 src
    acl conn_rate_abuse  sc2_conn_rate gt 30

    # abuse is marked in the frontend so that it's shared between all sites
    acl mark_as_abuser  sc1_inc_gpc0 gt 0
    #tcp-request content reject if conn_rate_abuse mark_as_abuser
    use_backend ease-up if conn_rate_abuse mark_as_abuser

backend ease-up
    mode http
    errorfile 503 /usr/local/etc/503error_dos.html

listen Static-farm
    balance roundrobin
    option forwardfor
    option httpclose
    option httpchk
    server stat1 check inter 3000 rise 3 fall 2
    server stat2 check inter 3000 rise 3 fall 2 backup

Thank you,

Idézet (Willy Tarreau <>):

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 07:17:32AM +0200, R.Nagy József wrote:
My bad, most likely.
After killing haproxy process completely -instead of just config
reloads-, and restarting it, problem can't be reproduced anymore
without rate limiting config.

OK, thanks for this clarification.

So most likely it was simply rejecting the request where it seemed to
be serving 'random' blank pages due to config not being reloaded


Number of denied reqs in the stats is 0 all along though. Bug?

No it's expected if you drop at the connection level. Only sessions
are accounted right now in the stats. A session is defined as a
connection that has been accepted. The difference is important for
analyzing what causes the drops. More counters should be added, but
there will probably be some more general work on the stats first.

Let me mod the question then though:
All I'm trying to achieve is a simple rate limiting config against
(d)dos attacks.
Need to:
- Serve custom 503 page when client is banned (never give blank page)
- Ban with over 30reqs/10secs, temp ban for 10mins then

Based on "better rate limiting" and docs, I came up with the config
below, but problem is, the rate limiting does not take place with
"use_backend ease-up if conn_rate_abuse mark_as_abuser" in the
backend, while it does _reject_ the page if I use "tcp-request content
reject if conn_rate_abuse mark_as_abuser" in there (but I need custom
503 as stated above).

In my opinion your config is OK for this and I see no reason why it
should not work (however you have "src_get_gpc0(http)" instead of
naming the correct frontend, but I assume that's because you renamed
the frontend before sending the conf).

By the way: to achieve this with as simple config as possible, could 2
stick-tables config be put under a single listen block (don't need
separate frontend/backend blocks for anything but this)?

Yes, you could even have the same stick-table for this and store two
different data. The fact that the Stackoverflow's config makes use of
two stick tables is because they wanted to measure the request only
on some backends.

If you want to store both gpc0 and conn_rate over 10 seconds, simply
declare it this way :

     stick-table type ip size 200k expire 10m store gpc0,conn_rate(10s)



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