Hi guys

I am new to haproxy & list, my experience with this software is very
good yet.

Got a question about sockets tuning. We have web site running on 10
different httpd with 2 haproxy in front.

We configured 3 IPs on each haproxy, we get about 2200 req/s each, peak
time is 3500 req/s each.

Current load is very low actually on haproxy boxes, but we have noticed
some slow access to the website. Doing analysis we found out that
sometime opening a TCP socket on haproxy box is slower than opening a
socket directly on one of httpd behind.

The actual configuration is quite simple, here is snippet :

        maxconn 32768
        nbproc 8

        log     global
        retries 3
        maxconn 32768
        contimeout 5000
        clitimeout 50000
        srvtimeout 50000

listen weblb1

        mode http
        balance roundrobin      

        option forwardfor
        option httpchk HEAD / HTTP/1.0
        option httpclose
        stats enable
        server web1 weight 10 check port 80
        server web10 weight 10 check port 80

We put nbprocs to the same amount of CPU cores we have.

We noticed problem by tracing HTTP request with curl, ex:

15:14:13.684549 * About to connect() to www.website.com port 80 (#0)
15:14:13.685620 *   Trying connected
--> 3 seconds here to open TCP connection
15:14:16.796281 * Connected to www.website.com ( port 80 (#0)
15:14:16.797173 > GET / HTTP/1.1
--> httpd replies here in less than 1 second

This issue happens sometime, not always.

My question, can someone point me a direction to look for for sockets
optimization / debugging. I am currently unable to explain why it is
slow, I know this is not hardware related since it is very powerful box.
I believe some tuning will make a big difference. Maybe we have kernel
tuning to do in here, if someone can enlighten me it would be very

Another question :

can I enable stats on a particular IP ?

Thanks and have a nice day

Maxime Ducharme
Systems Architect
Techboom Inc

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