We are attempting to use the appsession config option to ensure that
requests with the same session id in the url query parameters go to the same
backend. We are also using the "option redispatch" setting to ensure that
sessions get sent to a new backend when an existing backend goes down. It
seems that enabling "option redispatch" is eliminating the stickness that
appsession was having even when the backends are not going down. Is this a
known issue? All of our http requests are also using keep-alive.

Here is the relevant portion of our haproxy config:

  retries 3
  option redispatch

  mode http
  timeout connect 5000
  timeout client 50000
  timeout server 50000
  timeout check 10000

frontend ws_in
  option httplog
  default_backend ws

backend ws
  option httplog
  balance roundrobin
  appsession session_id len 52 timeout 3h request-learn mode query-string
  server ws_1 localhost.org.:8030
  server ws_2 localhost.org.:8031


Thank you,


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