Le mercredi 15 décembre 2010 23:32:23, Shawn Heisey a écrit :
> I buried this email deep in another thread, bringing it back to the top
> with a new message.
> I have a bunch of rewrites that I need to do to incoming requests.  I
> tried initially putting them all in the frontend, but that didn't work.

That should.

> What finally worked was creating multiple backends, each with one
> reqirep in it and the same pair of server entries in all of them.  Is it
> a known limitation that only one reqrep/reqirep statement is allowed?

This is probably due to a non trivial misconfiguration.

> Is there a way to streamline my configuration so that I only have to
> define the server list once?  Can you put multiple reqirep statements in
> the backend?  I haven't tried this yet because they won't let me risk
> breaking it for a day or two.

You mean one server list for several backends ? Currently, no.

This configuration should work (fixed the acl and merged all the reqirep in 
the frontend) :
frontend foo :80
     acl bot       hdr_sub(User-Agent) -i ia_archiver jeeves googlebot 
mediapartners-google msnbot slurp zyborg
     acl foo       path_beg        -i /foo
     acl fooc      path_beg        -i /fooc
     acl fooh      path_beg        -i /fooh
     acl foothumb  path_beg        -i /foothumb
     acl featured  path_beg        -i /featured/foothumbnew/
     acl cgi       path_beg        -i /cgi-bin/cgi-gw.exe

     reqirep ^([^\ ]*)\ /fooh/(.*) \1\ /cgi-bin/cgi-
gw.exe?action=autodetails&fooid=\2                      if bot fooh
     reqirep ^([^\ ]*)\ /foo/(.*) \1\ /cgi-bin/cgi-
gw.exe?action=webres&fooid=\2                   if foo
     reqirep ^([^\ ]*)\ /fooc/(.*) \1\ /cgi-bin/cgi-
gw.exe?action=capt&fooid=\2                             if fooc
     reqirep ^([^\ ]*)\ /foothumb/(.*) \1\ /cgi-bin/cgi-
gw.exe?action=thumbres&fooid=\2                 if foothumb
     reqirep ^([^\ ]*)\ /featured/foothumbnew/(.*) \1\ /cgi-bin/cgi-
gw.exe?action=thumbreshigh&fooid=\2     if featured
     use_backend apache          if cgi
     default_backend             tomcat

backend tomcat
     balance     leastconn
     server      server8080 check
     server      server8081 backup check

backend apache
     balance     leastconn
     server      server8080 check
     server      server8081 check

Cyril Bonté

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