Dear Sirs,

we are running haproxy for SSL balancing using tcp mode clusters. and
we are using http checks.

actual config is:

listen cluster.auth
   mode tcp
   option tcpka
   option httpchk GET /ping.ashx HTTP/1.0
   balance source
   server front-1 x.y.z.t:443 check port 80 inter 5s downinter 3m
   server front-2 x.y.z.t:443 check port 80 inter 5s downinter 3m
   server front-3 x.y.z.t:443 check port 80 inter 5s downinter 3m
   server front-4 x.y.z.t:443 check port 80 inter 5s downinter 3m

is it possible to use both httpchk and ssl-hello-chk ?
is it possible to perform http check over https ?

Ilya Shipitsin

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