OK, first off, the FTP SITE command is reserved for specific FTP
server extensions. It is commonly used for banning IP addresses. So
that the user can, via their FTP client issue a command such as:


The server knows what to do with this IP address because it has an
extension loaded that stores the provided IP into a ban list. This is
of course implementation specific, some servers will handle this
extension, some don't.

SITE Command description:

Apache FTP Server SITE command:

Relevant RFC:

            This command is used by the server to provide services
            specific to his system that are essential to file transfer
            but not sufficiently universal to be included as commands in
            the protocol.  The nature of these services and the
            specification of their syntax can be stated in a reply to
            the HELP SITE command.

With that in mind, the sequence I am thinking of would be:

Client         HAProxy           Backend
connect --------> |
                       | connect ---------->|
                       | SITE <IP> ------>|
                       | <----------250 OK |
USER ----------->|
                       | USER ------------->|
                       | <----------250 OK |
<---------250 OK |

Everything below the horizontal (==) line is as usual, HAProxy just
sends an initial SITE command to the backend FTP server to let it know
the client's real IP address. It then starts shoveling data from the
client to the backend as usual.

The fly in the ointment is that the backend FTP server will need to be
able to handle this SITE command. I maintain my own FTP server daemon,
so mine will of course support this. I will contribute patches back to
the community for it.

Other FTP daemons like proftpd can easily support this SITE extension
using add-on modules. The module simply looks for the client IP
provided by the SITE command, then overwrites the variable containing
the remote IP address so that the server can make active FTP
connections to the right place. Also the logs would then contain the
correct client IP address. It is kinda like the X-Forwarded-For header
on HTTP, but using the SITE command on FTP (which is the right place
for this according to the RFCs involved).

I am investigating the feasibility and interest in a feature such as
this at this point.

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