>> I guess we're stuck making backend decisions on destination IP
Well, true enough, BUT: when you use a proxy in, let's say Winamp, and add a 
stream server and play it, the Destination IP seen by Haproxy will not be the 
stream server's one (external IP), it will be the Proxy server's one (internal 
IP) - because you are in fact establishing a connection to Squid and it 
connects afterwards to the intended destination.
This is why I can't use this method.

>> any reason you're using Squid 3.0 over 3.1?
It's a production environment with several hundred people using it at the same 
time, so I can't upgrade just yet.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Young
Sent: Thursday 10, March 03, 2011 11:22
To: haproxy@formilux.org
Subject: Re: How to deal with proxying shoutcast / ICY protocol

Hi Willy, Dan,

Thanks for pointing out that I was still in http mode - that was an
oversight, and should solve my problem for now. Long term, I'd rather
use http mode over tcp for flexibility, but unfortunately I can't get
away from having to support Shoutcast (and any other dodgy protocol you
can think of!) :(

Dan - I guess we're stuck making backend decisions on destination IP
only - any reason you're using Squid 3.0 over 3.1?

I'll test in the lab tomorrow and report back results :)


On 10/03/11 9:43 PM, Florescu, Dan Alexandru wrote:
> Hi David,
> I'm kind of amazed that we have both the same problem ( 
> http://www.formilux.org/archives/haproxy/1103/4397.html ) in almost the same 
> circumstances, and we both asked for help at the same time :)
> I too am performing LB between proxies.
> The issue with ICY is also in Squid. You need the upgrade_http0.9 ( 
> http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/upgrade_http0.9/ ) option. But this one 
> works only with Squid 2.7 and 3.1, not with 3.0. I myself have a 3.0 for the 
> main Squid, so I thought I would balance it with Haproxy (elegant solution) 
> to a Squid 3.1.
> If I try streaming directly on the 3.1 Squid, it will work, but through 
> Haproxy it will fail.
> It will work through Haproxy if you enable mode tcp. Now, I see you have 
> enabled mode tcp in frontend, but you didn't do this for the backend aswell. 
> You also have a mode http in the defaults section, so if you don't explicitly 
> specify it in the backend, it will get the default-specified mode (http in 
> your case).
> so: mode tcp in backend and you're ok.
> I myself have another issue, I cannot send the requests for ICY/radio 
> streaming through my second squid because I don't have any relevant options 
> to use in ACLs, so all requests are sent to the default_backend.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Young [
> Sent: Thursday 10, March 03, 2011 4:36
> To: haproxy@formilux.org
> Subject: How to deal with proxying shoutcast / ICY protocol
> Hi folks,
> First-time poster here - we've been working on implementing haproxy to
> perform load balancing between our backend squid proxies.
> I stumbled across an issue today when I realized that I can't listen to
> streaming radio via my haproxy instance, but that it works fine if I
> direct my request to one of by backend proxies directly.
> A bit of searching lead me to the issue of HTTP/1.1 vs ICY as the
> probable cause
> (http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.1/RELEASENOTES.html#ss2.10).
> I thought that if I configured haproxy in "mode tcp" instead of "mode
> http", that it'd behave more like a simple loadbalancer, and just pass
> the request onto my squid backend verbatim, but that doesn't seem to
> have worked either.
> An example URL I'm having trouble with is;stream.mp3
> Even in "mode tcp", if I request that URL through by browser from
> haproxy, I get a 502 error, whereas if I requested it directly from the
> backend squid instance which services my request anyway, I get the
> expected headers and stream.
> I thought I'd try telnetting to the haproxy / squid ports respectively,
> to test, and I received differing output (below).
> Can anybody enlighten me?
> Many thanks,
> David
> -- Relevant haproxy.cfg --
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Global settings
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> global
>     log local2
>     log         /dev/log local2
>     chroot      /var/lib/haproxy
>     pidfile     /var/run/haproxy.pid
>     maxconn     4000
>     user        haproxy
>     group       haproxy
>     daemon
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> # common defaults that all the 'listen' and 'backend' sections will
> # use if not designated in their block
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> defaults
>     mode        http
>     log         global
>     option      dontlognull
>     option      http-server-close
>     option      httplog
>     # Log on start of connection, not completion
>     option      logasap
>     # log errors separately
>     option      log-separate-errors
>     option      forwardfor
>     option      redispatch
>     timeout connect 10000 # default 10 second time out if a backend is
> not found
>     timeout client 300000
>     timeout server 300000
>     maxconn     60000
>     retries     3
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> # main frontend which proxys to the backends
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------
> frontend  test_frontend *:5001
>     mode tcp
> option tcpka
> default_backend test_backend
> backend test_backend
>         balance roundrobin
>         server localhost localhost:3128
> -- Telnet to haproxy infront of single squid tcp backend --
> DavidBook:~ davidy$ telnet webscan-dev.blahblah.net 5001
> Trying x.x.x.x...
> Connected to webscan-dev.blahblah.net.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> GET;stream.mp3
> HTTP/1.0 502 Bad Gateway
> Cache-Control: no-cache
> Connection: close
> Content-Type: text/html
> <html><body><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1>
> The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.
> </body></html>
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> DavidBook:~ davidy$
> -- Telnet to squid directly --
> DavidBook:~ davidy$ telnet webscan-dev.blahblah.net 3128
> Trying x.x.x.x...
> Connected to webscan-dev.blahblah.net.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> GET;stream.mp3
> ICY 200 OK
> Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 02:25:55 GMT
> icy-notice1: <BR>This stream requires <a
> href="http://www.winamp.com/";>Winamp</a><BR>
> icy-notice2: SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server/Linux v1.9.8<BR>
> icy-name: Family Friendly WBGL
> icy-genre: Contemporary Christian
> icy-url: http://www.wbgl.org
> Content-Type: audio/mpeg
> icy-pub: 1
> icy-br: 96
> X-Cache: MISS from webscan-dev.blahblah.net
> X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from webscan-dev.blahblah.net:3128
> Via: 0.0 webscan-dev.blahblah.net (squid/3.1.11)
> Connection: close
> 00/Ȯt?????sƸD?,?4A?Q`F??BA????B??@(???u??kTC??????? <binary stream
> continues...>

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