Hi all,
  At the moment I am evaluating haproxy as a reverse proxy. Everything
seems to work great except one thing and I do not know where is the
problem. The situations in which I get the problem is the following:
1. client uploads big file to the haproxy
2. all incoming data seems to be sent from the client but the backend
is taking quite some time to save the data to the hard disk.
3. meanwhile the client reports time out
4. There is nothing sent from the client to the server, but the
backend seems to continue to write the file until it writes down all
the bytes.

As a result all uploads of big files are reported from the client as
failed, even though they are stored with a delay. How can I make the
client aware about this fact? Why is this happening? Can it be that
the haproxy is getting the data very fast, but the backend cannot
store it so fast? Any suggestions or similar experiences?


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