I just finished setting up apache+mod_security in front of haproxy:

user--> apache+modsec --> haproxy --> webservers --> fastcgi

The reasoning being that if apache was behind haproxy, then the backend
(nginx+php) servers wouldn't show on the haproxy admin interface (the
apaches would).

I'm not 100% sure if this is the best way to go about it, but for the
time being that's the approach. Feel free to suggest/discuss alternatives.

Because the site is live, I'm doing this in phases. For now the firewall
on the load balancers redirects incoming connections from certain IPs to
the new apache+modsec setup, while everything else is business as usual.

The few connections that go through the test setup get logged by haproxy
as coming from This is because the firewall redirects to (apache) which then ProxyPass'es to haproxy
(; therefore haproxy sees an incoming connection from

Apache properly sets the X-Forwarded-For header.

Question: Can I somehow tell haproxy to log that instead?
If it is possible, are there security implications ?

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