On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 8:20 PM, Craig <cr...@haquarter.de> wrote:

>> I'm not sure if you're serious or not, but If another party as
>> administrating the backend servers, it seems likely that you won't
>> have the private key for the ssl certificate.
> Yea I am, I would't dare to write shitty semi-joke mails on Willy's list.

No prob (and I hope no offense)

> In a big company, the loadbalancer could be managed by the network team,
> and the servers by the application team, that's what I meant; you will
> have the keys. Making HTTPS connections to backends would be really
> nice, because quite often you have rules on your webservers that will
> redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS ... which causes an endless loop, if you
> terminate that traffic on the loadbalancer and send it via HTTP to your
> backend, of course. Surely, you can add headers with the loadbalancer,
> so that the backend knows if the connection is already secure or needs
> to get redirected, but then there are sometimes also funny application
> servers that still go nuts at you. Or your apache config is being send
> to you by a managed hosting customer and you have to patch it all the
> time for the header check. It's much nicer to just tell haproxy that
> those backend servers are HTTPS instead of HTTP. Sure, it takes more
> ressources, and might slow things down a bit, but if it's a system that
> runs at 5% of available ressources anyways, you won't care much. Even if
> so, you might rather invest 5000$ in hardware to keep the performance
> as-is than to create a sucky workflow and/or piss off your customers
> because you have a "sucky loadbalancer that cannot loadbalance https
> properly and makes us change our apache config which took us three days
> and no one pays us that precious time".
> Surely, you could just layer-3 balance, but that takes a lot of features
> away and you might have to run a caching instance like varnish or squid
> running, too.

OK, I see the use case. IMHO though, I'd like to see these things
remain separate (I did learn my trade on unix, and that philosophy has
stuck). I could see combining them if there's a compelling performance
case, probably because of a shorter data pipeline, but SSL is the cpu
here, not the extra memory copies or buffering (we'll just have to
wait for some tests ;).

> Some IT contracts suck. ;)

Yes, they do :)

James Bardin <jbar...@bu.edu>
Systems Engineer
Boston University IS&T

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