I suggest you use balance leastconn instead of roundrobin.  That way the
weights effect the ratios, but they are not locked in.  If a server clears
connections faster than the others, it will get more requests...  if it
falls behind it will get less...

Given that multiple factors impact how many req/s a server can do such as
number of cores, it's possible one server is faster at low loads with low
latency responses, but under heavy loads a different server might have
higher latency but can actually handle more simultaneous connections
better and in total be faster.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ivan Hernandez [mailto:ihernan...@kiusys.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 7:08 AM
> To: haproxy@formilux.org
> Subject: HAProxy 1.4.8 Tunning for load balancing 3 servers
> Hello,
> I have 3 webservers, a little old one that can handle 350req/s, a middle
> one that handles 1700req/s and a bigger one that handles 2700req/s on
> tests with the apache benchmark tool with 128 simultaneous connections.
> So I decided to put haproxy as load balancer in other server so i can
> (theorically) reach up to 4500req/s.
> I worked for a while trying many different configurations but the
> systems seems to have a limit of the fastest server on the whole
> cluster. If I take out from the cluster 1 or 2 servers, the haproxy
> performance is always the same of the fastest server in the cluster.
> Of course, load of each individual server goes down, what means that
> requests are distributed between them, but speed doesn't goes up.
> So, here I copy my config in case it has some obvious error:
> Thanks !
> Ivan
> global
>      log    local0
>      log    local1 notice
>      maxconn 8192
>      user haproxy
>      group haproxy
> defaults
>      log    global
>      retries    3
>      maxconn    8192
>      contimeout    5000
>      clitimeout    50000
>      srvtimeout    50000
> listen  web-farm
>      mode http
>      option httpclose
>      option abortonclose
>      balance roundrobin
>      server small weight 1 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall
>      server medium weight 2 check inter 2000 rise 2
fall 5
>      server big weight 8 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5

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