I have currently set up HAProxy and Openswan on an EC2 server to handle 
webservice requests to our client site. The original idea was to have all 
webservice requests be filtered by HAProxy, and then shipped appropriately via 
Openswan.  The filtering was to be done by acl's and inspection of the URI 
strings.  You can guess where this is headed.

For our HTTP requests, this works great- no problems what-so-ever.  For our TCP 
requests, we can't use this level 7 mechanism- and there are multiple backend 
destinations to choose from.  

So, my questions are as follows:
- Is there anyway to differentiate these calls any other way in HAProxy?
- If not, is there any way I can send these calls to HAProxy via http/80, and 
then transform them into TCP/443 requests going out?
- If we're still stuck, is there any other piece of software I can combine with 
HAProxy to make this work?


Brevity is the soul of wit. Misspellings are the soul of writing emails on a 
phone. Please excuse.

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