On 3 November 2011 21:34, Saul <s...@extremecloudsolutions.com> wrote:
> My understanding was that multiple backends could use the same
> interface, perhaps I was wrong, if that is the case, any suggestions
> on how to be able to have multiple backends running tcp mode on port
> 443 so I can match the url and redirect to the appropriate backend
> from my HAproxy?

You can have multiple backends with a single frontend, and define
various criteria to decide which backend to use for each incoming

Having said that, there are problems in your configuration. Firstly,
you are defining 2 frontends listening on the same port ("bind :443"
twice), which is causing the "cannot bind socket" message. Second, you
are attempting to use hdr_beg to match an HTTP Host: header, which you
cannot do when HAproxy is handling SSL traffic in TCP mode, because
HAproxy cannot read the HTTP request, it's encrypted. In order to use
hdr_beg and similar criteria, you must be using plain HTTP, which
requires you to use stunnel, nginx or something else in front of
HAproxy to handle the SSL and make a plain HTTP connection to HAproxy.

Hope this helps,

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