Hi Willy,

Just after your announce, I've upgraded from haproxy 1.4.20 to 1.5-dev9 on a test machine. Today, I suddenly realize that the stats web page allows to disable/enable servers (and the result message is a bit weird, as the action is applied but it gives an "Unexpected result" message).

I quickly tried is 1.5-dev8 and the issue is not there anymore.

I don't have time to make more tests now as I must leave but I prefer to inform the mailing list immediatly.

I'll try to extract a minimal configuration later.
FYI, I'm using user lists :
userlist stats-auth
        group admin users admin
        group readonly users haproxy

        user admin ..
        user haproxy ...

Some ACLs :
        acl AUTH        http_auth(stats-auth)
        acl AUTH_ADMIN  http_auth_group(stats-auth) admin

and :
        stats http-request auth unless AUTH
        stats admin if AUTH_ADMIN

I'll post as soon as I can track the issue precisely.

Cyril Bonté

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