
I wanted to add that since v1.5-dev11, there are the urlp_* matches
which significantly help for matching URL params. I just added urlp_val
to match an integer value this morning when reading this thread, however
as with all other ACL integer values, it only supports unsigned values.

A few points below.

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 09:59:50AM +0200, Holger Just wrote:
> On 2012-07-29 12:56, Reve wrote:
> > How about parsing the same thing but if those have been posted as post, not 
> > get.
> When POSTing data, it will be transmitted in the request body. As the
> body size can be of an arbitrary size and caching and potentially
> parsing it would be a really complex, slow and potentially massively
> resource intensive process, HAProxy doesn't do that at all.

In fact haproxy is already able to perform some limited processing on POST
data right now (eg: balance url_param check-post). We did not want to go
further before reworking the ACL engine. Now that it's been done, I think
it would be great if someone would engage in this, I mean, duplicate the
urlp_* work into postp_* to perform post parameter extraction. And it would
even allow us to stick on such parameters at no extra cost. It should really
be easy to do, I can provide some help if someone wants to do it.

Of course this would be limited by the request size, but that's already the
case for the check-post.

So any volunteers ?


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