Hi all

I am having some pain setting up some of the haproxy logging options.
Earlier i was not specifying a log format, and the captured request headers
were getting printed. I wanted to log the unique-id-header, but could not
find any way of doing so.
So i copy pasted the log-format mentioned on the
and unique id started getting logged. Unfortunately, now the captured
request headers are not getting logged. After some thought, i though't id
put some delimiters around the %hrl and %hsl and i realized that these are
empty strings.

Very weird. Here is my config, plzz help :(

listen server
  bind *:80
  mode http

  option  httplog
  option  http-server-close
  no option logasap   # disable early logging of HTTP requests so that
total transfer time is logged
  option  forwardfor
  capture request  header    X-Forwarded-For      len 500
  capture request  header    Host                 len 500
  capture request  header    X-Request-UID        len 500
  rspadd  X-Haproxy-Backend:\ server

  # Generate the X-Haproxy-Unique-ID and log it to make it easy to track
  log-format %Ci:%Cp\ [id=%ID]\ [%t]\ %f\ %b/%s\ %Tq/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Tt\ %st\
%B\ %cc\ %cs\ %tsc\ %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\ *{%hrl}\ {%hsl}*\ %{+Q}r
  unique-id-format %{+X}o\ %Ci:%Cp_%Fi:%Fp_%Ts_%rt:%pid
  unique-id-header X-Haproxy-Unique-ID

Here is the log i see:
Sep 13 17:28:57 localhost haproxy[11979]:[id=0AA11BDA:A278_0AA15B71:0050_505217C5_0014:2ECB]
[13/Sep/2012:17:28:37.567] server www-example-com-healthz/-
19998/0/2/1/+20001 200 +326 - - ---- 10/10/1/1/0 0/0 *{} {}* "GET
/testing/healthz?merchant=www.example.com&source=elb HTTP/1.1"

Help will be greatly appreciated.


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