Hi Liang,

On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 04:03:47PM +0800, ?????? wrote:
> Hi Willy/Yuxans,
> Appreciate for your quick reply. Another question is our haproxy log shows
> many 503 errors. Could you please take a look the attached configuration and
> log files and give us some suggestions?

There's something strange there. All of them show the same pattern :

  Aug 20 09:50:04 cache195 haproxy[5722]: 
[20/Aug/2012:09:50:01.771] www-pool optimus_deliver_server/web116 
2237/0/-1/-1/2237 503 212 - - CC-- 22272/22249/76/11/0 0/0 {Mozilla/4.0 
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)} "GET 

An apparent immediate client close while connecting to the server. Having
one such from time to time would not surprize me, but here you have a lot.
I suspect that haproxy is improperly logging the origin of the issue ('C'
for client close while it might be another reason). The queues are empty,
there was no connect retry, so I think that the connection was not even

Maybe the request came in immediately followed by a FIN packet. It could
be a proxy causing this to many of your users. Could you please try to
remove "option abortonclose" and see if the problem persists ? You might
be observing the side effect of an external misbehaviour.

BTW, what version is this ?


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