Hi Kyle,

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 05:33:52PM -0500, Kyle Brandt wrote:
> Hi All,
> When trying out rate limiting with listen / send/accept proxy, and
> nbproc I get some strange behavior. What happens is when I hammer a
> page on SSL, I don't see a 503 page and the rate limiting seems to
> have no effect. However, if I grab an HTTP page from the same client
> after this, I get a 503 (so apparently I tripped the rate limiter, it
> just wasn't kicking in with HTTPS). If then go back to HTTPS, I do see
> the 503 Page.
> I tried binding the the frontend and backend to the same single
> process, but this doesn't seem to help. Is there a way to get reliable
> rate limiting with ssl running on multiple processes?
> The config I am using is as follows:
> global
>   daemon
>   nbproc 4
>   log          local1
> defaults
>   clitimeout          10s
>   srvtimeout          10s
>   timeout connect     10s
> listen ssl-front
>   mode tcp
>   option tcplog
>   log global
>   bind-process 2 3 4
>   bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/cert/wild.foo.com.pem
>   server http send-proxy
> frontend http-in
>   bind accept-proxy
>   bind name non-ssl
>   acl is_ssl dst_port 81
>   reqadd X-SSL:\ Enabled if is_ssl
>   bind-process 1
>   stick-table type ip size 1000k expire 1m store gpc0,conn_rate(10s)
>   acl source_is_abuser src_get_gpc0(http-in) gt 0
>   acl source_is_serious_abuse src_conn_rate(http-in) gt 200
>   tcp-request connection reject if source_is_serious_abuse
>   tcp-request connection track-sc1 src if !source_is_abuser
>   use_backend be_go-away if source_is_abuser

I know what's happening : tcp-request connection applies just after the
accept(), it's the only rule set which does not see the contents of the
accept-proxy. You should switch your rules to "tcp-request content" here,
they will apply slightly later and will see the original IP address.


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