
Simon Horms is working on some patches for us that will allow HAProxy
to poll an agent on each real server.
We also have a Windows Service that works with it:
I'm sure he will post it to the list when he is done in the next few weeks:

HA-Proxy Dynamic Health Check Implementation
1. Goal
Design and implement dynamic health checks for HA-Proxy.
The health check should be performed by opening a TCP socket to a
pre-defined port and
reading an ascii string. The string should have one of the following forms:
i. An ascii representation of positive integer with a maximum value of 256.
e.g: “42”.
◦ This represents an absolute weight. A weight of 0 will be translated to 1.
◦ Values in this format other than 0 are ignored when slowstart is in
effect, in keeping
with the behaviour of the set weight command.
ii. An ascii representation of an positive integer percentage.
e.g. “75%”
◦ Values in this format will set the weight proportional to the
initial weight of a server
as configured when haproxy starts.
iii. The string “drain”.
◦ This will cause the weight of a server to be set to 0, and thus it
will not accept any
new connections other than those that are accepted via persistence.
iv. The string “disable”.
◦ Put the server into maintenance mode. The server must be re-enabled before any
further health checks will be performed.
2. Deliverables
i. Patches posted to the appropriate haproxy mailing list.
ii. A list of patches and implementation overview via email to LoadBalancer.Org

> So well, how about controlling weight via service checks?

> cheers
> thomas


Malcolm Turnbull. Ltd.
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