Could someone help me understand the difference between Soft Stop/Soft
Start and Disable/Enable?

I can see that when I disable a node in the web UI it is marked as
MAINT and when I issue a Soft Stop, the weight is changed to 0.

How do those differences impact my connections?

What I working on is automating deployments by disabling a server from
the proxy, waiting until its connections reach 0, updating the code
and restarting the process, then re-enabling the server in the proxy.

I'd like to wait until all connections are closed before I begin the
upgrade (we have some long running file transfers that we don't want
to cut off by dispatching to a different server)

>From what I understand, setting the weight to 0 and then back to 1,
will accomplish my goal.

What I am curious about is if I can accomplish the same goal by
disabling the server into MAINT mode or if using both weight and MAINT
adds anything useful.

Thanks for your help!

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