I confirm, I saw many people using chef to mange their haproxy


On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 12:30 AM, KT Walrus <ke...@my.walr.us> wrote:

> Zachary,
> I guess I'll have to spend some time researching puppet (and/or chef).
>  Thanks for the reference.
> Kevin
> On Jan 9, 2013, at 6:18 PM, Zachary Stern <z...@enternewmedia.com> wrote:
> Case in point for why puppet (and probably also chef) is perfect here.
> You can manage the config with puppet, and have the service "subscribe" to
> the config file, so that it autorestarts or reloads every time puppet
> changes is.
> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Willy Tarreau <w...@1wt.eu> wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>> On Wed, Jan 09, 2013 at 04:13:28PM -0500, Kevin Heatwole wrote:
>> (...)
>> > 1.  Setting new interval time for subsequent configuration checks to
>> the server.
>> > 2.  Setting new maxconn or weight for the server (allowing backend to
>> "throttle" or "increase" load for itself).
>> > 3.  Setting server state (DOWN, MAINTENANCE, UP, STARTING, STOPPING,
>> DAMAGED) changing how HAProxy treats existing connections or new
>> connections for the server.
>> > 4.  Change server from active to backup (or vice versa).
>> > 4.  Adding new server to backend by having configuration check return
>> new server configuration.
>> > 5.  Changing any other useful settings that affect backend servers.
>> This is more or less what was spec'd by Malcolm recently and implemented
>> by Simon. We found that some details could be adapted before merging, but
>> in general it's very close.
>> Anyway you won't hot-add a server that soon : lots of internal sizes
>> (including file descriptor limits) depend on the number of servers. At
>> most we'd have provisions for adding up to N extra servers. Also, a lot
>> of checks are currently performed on server configuration (eg: don't
>> track a server that tracks yourself). Doing some of these checks at
>> runtime and providing enough feedback to the user to react will be quite
>> tricky.
>> In practice, you can already tweak a number of things on the stats CLI.
>> I'd like to be able to switch a server's state betwen active/backup, but
>> it's already algorithmically complex. Changing an address would be really
>> nice, but comes with issues again.
>> Anyway, whatever changes you make, you'll have to do them on the config
>> file too because if you restart your process, you don't want all these
>> changes to be lost ! So right now changing the config only and doing a
>> reload is already a reasonable tradeoff.
>> Willy
> --
> zachary alex stern I systems architect
> o: 212.363.1654 x106 | f: 212.202.6488 | z...@enternewmedia.com
> 60-62 e. 11th street, 4th floor | new york, ny | 10003
> www.enternewmedia.com

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