Hi Duncan,

On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 02:53:06PM +1000, Duncan Hall wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a website that acts as the SSL ecommerce checkout for several 
> other sites.  All of the sites are on the same public IP and live in a 
> cluster of tomcat servers.
> I need to maintain session persistence when moving from one domain to 
> the SSL enabled domain and from http to https. Can anyone point me at a 
> config example for this using Haproxy 1.5dev?

It's not a matter of configuration but of application architecture,
and only that. The browser will try hard not to share anything between
multiple domains, including cookies & SSLID.

So first, you need to find a way to communicate between your sites.
Sometimes people use "shop.$domain" instead of "www.$domain" so that
cookies are kept between the two. Other methods consist in passing a
signed token in links or redirected URLs between the domains.

As you can see it's mainly a matter of designing the application for
that. Once you have choosen a way for your application to work, then
we can imagine various methods to keep the persistence between the
servers ; if the element that is passed between the two is available
in requests/responses on both sides, it should be doable to stick on
it. Sometimes an URL parameter can be very effective for this : the
server just has to pass its name in a URL param, and it's then easy
to pick it on the next request.

Hoping this helps,

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