On Apr 10, 2013, at 2:36 PM, Phil Daws wrote:

> Hello,
> have just started to explore HAProxy and am finding it amazing!  As a long 
> time Zimbra user I wanted to see how one could balance the front-end web 
> client so had a play around.  What I have at present is the following 
> configuration:
> frontend zimbra-zwc-frontend-https
>    bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/zimbra.pem
>    mode tcp
>    option tcplog
>    reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
>    default_backend zimbra-zwc-backend-http

What version of HAProxy are you running? If you are on 1.5-dev12 or newer, you 
should be using 'mode http' for this frontend. 

> backend zimbra-zwc-backend-http
>   mode http
>   balance roundrobin
>   stick-table type ip size 200k expire 30m
>   stick on src
>   server zwc1 zm1:80 check port 80
>   server zwc2 zm2:80 check port 80
> I admit that the configuration has been cobbled together from other peoples 
> thoughts and ideas; though it does actually work!  I did try to go the route 
> of HTTPS -> HTTPS but that completely fell apart due to Zimbra using NGINX 
> and automatically re-routing HTTP -> HTTPS.  The other stumbling block was I 
> could not see how to check that the report HTTPS (443) port was available.  I 
> have seen "check port" and "check id" used but neither worked as expected.  
> So at present I have HAProxy acting as the SSL terminator and backing off the 
> requests to a HTTP backend.  I can take one backend node down, upgrade it, 
> and restart it with affecting any new connections again a single destination 
> IP address; NICE! :)

If you are using 1.5, SSL backends are easy.

backend https-backend
        mode http
        balance source
        server server1 server1:443 check ssl
        server server2 server2:443 check ssl

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