On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 06:57:15AM +0000, Jayadevan M wrote:
> HI,
> >It should not because as you can see in the trace, the whole check happens in
> >only 2 milliseconds, which is quite fast. What are the other parameters you
> >changed ? Could you also please share all your timeouts ? Maybe some of
> >them are wrong ?
> >
> I am getting a layer 4 timeout in the environment where I should get this 
> running. Here is my file -
> global
>     pidfile     /var/run/haproxy1.pid
>     stats socket /tmp/haproxy
> defaults
>     log         global
>     timeout connect 50000 # default 10 second time out if a backend is not 
> found
>     timeout client  30000
>     timeout server  30000

What timeout did you have before "timeout connect 50000" ? Do you think it's
possible that you've had "timeout connect 10" ? Then it would be 10 ms and
might explain what it failed (and running via strace can add enough latency
to make it work more often or fail more often depending how things go).

> listen stats :1936
>     mode http
>     stats enable
>     stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
>     stats uri /
> frontend  mysql_proxy *:3309
>     mode     tcp
>     default_backend request_mysql
> backend request_mysql
>         mode tcp
>         option mysql-check user haproxy
>         server svr2  weight 1 check port 3406 inter 5000 
> rise 3 fall 3
>         server svr1  weight 1 check port 3306 inter 5000 
> rise 3 fall 3
> Please note that the IPs have changed and now they are both windows machines.

OK. Anyway your config is OK in my opinion.

> Do we need MySQL client to be installed on the m/c for this to work?

no, not at all.

Best regards,

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