
There is no nice way of doing this in HAproxy that would show you that
the server is down (in the Web GUI for example). You can only check
where the traffic is going using the socket or the Web GUI and if the
failover occured you will see traffic going to the 'backup' server.

If you are using a single HAproxy node you can just put rise 9999999 on
the server line for the master and it would be enough.

If not, your only hope is HAproxy 1.5-dev and using stick tables with peers:

In your MySQL backend you would add:
        stick-table type ip size 10k peers mylbs
        stick on dst

And add another section:

peers mylbs
        peer peer1
        peer peer2;1234

Cleanest way of doing this, as discussed with Willy, would be to create
a health agent on each MySQL server that would be 'intelligent' and
aware of what's going on. Then you would send checks to it instead of
MySQL and it would reply depending on the current status. I will likely
create one in the near future for my own needs, so will share it here.

Hope this helps.
On 06/18/2013 01:38 PM, Jayadevan M wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am using HAProxy for MYSQL failover. It is a MySQL master-slave
> replication environment. When master is UP, all reads and writes go to
> master. In case the master is down, reads and writes will go to the
> slave. Once the master is down and HAProxy redirects all reads/writes to
> the slave, we do not want any writes/reads to go to the master even if
> it comes up automatically. We want to ensure that there will be some
> kind of manual intervention before a master, once marked down, gets
> requests again. Is this possible?
> Regards,
> Jayadevan
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Nenad Merdanovic | PGP: 0x423edcb2 | Web: http://nimzo.info
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