Is there a good way to handle SSL and non-ssl on the same port, with ssl 
handled by HAProxy 

I can do ex:
frontend maybessl
bind *:443
        bind localhost:1443 ssl crt example.pem

        acl client_hello req_ssl_hello_type 1

        use_backend ssl if client_hello

default_backend clear

backend ssl
        server ssl localhost:1443

But then each SSL socket going through the load balancer is making an extra 
connection to localhost.  For my use case, I'm planning to have large numbers 
of long running connections, so extra sockets and file descriptors is 
unpleasant.  Some way of turning on SSL after the socket started could be 
helpful for STARTTLS use cases as well (not sure if there's a lot of demand for 
that though).



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