Wei Kong <wkong@...> writes:
> Hi,
> Can someone please help me understand 
> what the difference is between these two metrics? 
> See attached chart. We used to rely on session rate to determine when to  
> autoscale but all of  a sudden, the session rate always remains as 1 or 0 
> while the current session count goes up to almost 50.
> Thanks,
> Wei

I believe session rate is connections or requests (depending on your keepalive 
setting) per second.
current sessions is the current connections active on that 
frontend/backend/server .
You can use the socket to get the full list of active sessions, afaik.
So if you are using keepalive you might have sessions open/connected but not 
sending requests or your machines are overloaded and hanging keeping the 
sessions open or some other reason the sessions are staying open.

You probably don't care what your requests/connections per second are - if your 
instances can process a request in 23 ms (you can get that from the log) each 
instance can do 43 rps. If you are generating different dynamic pages/content 
if the speed of processing varies, then your rps capacity will vary, so you 
can't know your exact rps cpacity in a complex dynamic system with many types 
requests. But your current session is a good indicator of load that calls for 
additional instances since many applications have a fairly low capacity for 
concurrent connections when fully loaded (if you are not using keepalive). 

I noticed during my testing that any amount of sustained queued requests 
are a good indicator that additional capacity is required. 
This seems to be a better indicator than session rate or even current sessions.

For instance, I have done quite a bit of testing and found that a fairly 
apache/php/eaccel/smarty/redis/mysql app on a micro EC2 instance, has a max 
capacity of 3 concurrent connections before overloading. People are shocked at 
how low that number is (and after they review the config/code/logs find that it 
is not due to poor code/config), but when there are a constant supply of queued 
requests, it does not take many to fully load the cpu/resources of EC2 
instances. YMMV. 

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