I'm using 1.4.24.

I've tested some cases in the meantime, but these tests don't give a clear

Anybody an idea ?

2013/6/26 bjun...@gmail.com <bjun...@gmail.com>

> Hi folks,
> i've a question regarding "use_backend" and how conditions are processed.
> My Example:
> ----
>  frontend http_in_01
>      bind
>      log     global
>      option  httplog
>      capture request header Host len 32
>      capture request header User-Agent len 200
>      reqidel ^X-Forwarded-For:.*
>      option forwardfor
>      option http-server-close
>      acl  is_domain_abc.de  hdr_dom(host)  -i  abc.de
>      acl  is_regex_matching  url_reg .....
>      acl  is_regex_matching  url_reg .....
>      acl  is_regex_matching  url_reg ....
>      acl  is_regex_matching  url_reg ....
>      acl  is_regex_matching  url_reg ....
>      .
>      .
>      ... another 10000 lines  is_regex_matching
>      use_backend  webfarm01  if  is_domain_abc.de  !is_regex_matching
> ---
> If the first condition in "use_backend" line is NOT met ( the domain in
> the HTTP-Request is not abc.de ),  is the processing for this
> "use_backend" line stopped or is the second condition ( the
> heavy regex acl)  processed anyway ? (and unnecessarily* *consume
> ressources )
> -------------------
> Bjoern

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