On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Tomas Pospisek <t...@sourcepole.ch> wrote:

> Am 11.07.2013 11:45, schrieb Mark Janssen:
> > I did see large amounts of sequential epoll_wait calls in the processes
> > with 100% cpu load, and not with the other processes.
> >
> > epoll_wait(0, {}, 200, 0)               = 0
> > (repeated 10-15 times)
> I've recently posted here [1] about haproxy staying at 100% CPU. The
> cause of it probably was haproxy relentlessly trying but not succeeding
> to make a connection to forward the traffic.
> Could this be a similar problem? I.e. that f.ex. your backend is
> saturated and momentarily not accepting new connection while there are
> new connections comming in to haproxy?

I doublt is... we are seeing these peaks at quiet and at busy times, and no
health-checks are failing. (We just switched to haproxy this month,
replacing F5 BIGIP's we had earlier). The servers usually handle loads a
lot higher then current traffic levels.


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