
1. when you talk to a ML, you should say 'Hi'
2. when you talk to a ML, you shouldn't send HTML mails

Now, I can see you have absolutely no experience with Load-Balancing.
Here are a few clues for you:
- when you have a 503 error, then no need to think, it means ALL the
servers from the farm are seen DOWN
- the purpose of the health check is to ensure the service is UP and
RUNNING on the servers
- Usually, it is a good idea to enable health checking when
load-balancing, to allow haproxy to know server status to avoid
sending client requests to dead servers
- instead of disabling health checking, you should be troubleshooting
it: HAProxy logs will tell you why the health check was not working.

Good luck,


On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 6:19 AM, Sebastian Fohler <> wrote:
> Ok, I disabled the health check and it's working now, so it's definitly a
> problem of haproxy shuting down the backends.
> On 30.08.2013 05:55, Sebastian Fohler wrote:
> Some help, would be to disable the health check for the time being, is that
> possible.
> At least it would be a quickfix.
> On 30.08.2013 05:25, Sebastian Fohler wrote:
> Is there some simple way to find out why I get this error from my haproxy
> cluster?
> 503 Service Unavailable
> No server is available to handle this request.
> It looks like all my backend servers are down. Even in pools which are shown
> as up in my stats.
> How can I debug that sensible?
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards
> Sebastian

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